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Piodalan ceremony

Piodalan (Ceremony)
        In HINDU confidence in Bali holiday villa sense piodalan is Piodalan word derived from the word meaning WEDAL BORN. By getting prefix + suffix pe an Piodalan word takes on a meaning coaxing, warning the birthday / anniversary. The birth of what is meant? not the birth of a god or gods, but DEWA diistanakannya day in a holy place. Holy day celebrations often referred to as "Rerahinan" which comes from the word meaning RAHINA day / light, are the days of the good / light to worship the greatness of God. Other terms of piodalan is GUARDIAN, PATOYAAN

    Rerahinan divided into two kinds, namely in Bali Tour Actvity
1. Rerahinan by the general public simultaneously HINDU do this case is called Rerahinan gumi, such as: Purnama, Tilem, ,, Galungan Nyepi, Ciwa Ratri, Saraswati.
2. Piodalan or Guardian usually or generally take a day when it was first implemented Ngenteg ceremony Linggih or penstanaan god-Bhatara. Did he manifestation of god, or Bhatara Kawitan (Holy Spirit Ancestors). While the good days to do piodalan is dependent on when the distanakanya DEWA-Bhatara. Piodalan ceremony done repeatedly, that data once every 6 months in Bali Private Villa and 1 year for which data exist at all. Karana based Rerahinan used according wuku whether or sasih.

1. In general pretended (Khayangan universe)
2. In Sanggah or Pamarajan
3. In Pura Paibon
4. Pretend Kawitan

          PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING piodalan in Bali Accommodation
The first one is done is MERERESIK this activity is done as the initial action or preparation. In this activity event held cleaning / purification scale / abstract. Which can be done a day or two days before the temple ceremony or ceremonies.
          The second is MEDATENGAN which aims to bring or menstanakan manifestation of IDA Sang Hyang Widhi WASA will be arranged piodalan. In this upcara there is a ceremony called the MEMENDAK (welcome), he will be arranged.
          The third is Piodalan is a culmination ceremony of previous activities. As a means ceremony deliver to the people of the various types of offerings or offerings that contain meaning as an expression of gratitude or suksma / gratitude presented to IDA Sang Hyang Widhi WASA as a god Almighty with all menifestasiya.
Broadly speaking, the implementation of the ceremony Piodalanbaik tingkatanya harsh MADYA and MAIN is
• Nuwur / reduction in (utpeti)
• Ngadegan / nyejer (STITI)
• Ngeluwurang / nyimpen (pralina)

          Source of support personnel of Bali Tour Activity and funds from a Piodalan
In ceremony at a shrine Piodalan the obvious costs / funds, the source of the funds come from
1. Community pengempon or penyungsun Pura
2. Results of pelaba Pura
3. Fund punia

4. And others


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