Where to eat cheap in Singapore which will be discussed this time, can be said to be in downtown. Its location, close to Padjadjaran University campus in Jalan Dipatiukur. Those who roam around the area Ukur, presumably will not be surprised by the many places to eat. one of which is Steak beds. ( Bali cheap hotel ) Steak beds is relatively new in the world of steak in Bandung. Nevertheless, these steaks can be said to have a very rapid development. It was not because it is indeed exorbitant, but also because the price is very affordable. Prices are set for each menu is only around tens of thousand rupiah. Cheap is not it? As a place to eat that peddle steak as its main commodity, steak in this place served hot over the hotplate. The sauce is thick with a soft texture, has a flavor that fits, in the sense not excessive. For an appetizer, steak sauce can be enjoyed with the degree of spiciness is measured based on the level. The higher the level of course the higher the level of spi...